Contact: Kevin Nink

Granco Clark (800) 918-2600


Granco Clark Supplies Hydro (Sapa Extrusions) with a Log Load Table/Pusher, Hot-jet Furnace, HBCS Hot Billet Saw and Transveyor.

Belding, MI – Hydro (Sapa Extrusions) of North Liberty, Indiana, has selected Granco Clark’s Log Load Table/Pusher, HBCS Hot-jet Furnace, Hot Billet Saw and Transveyor.

The new Log Load Table and Log Pusher has the ability to load in the lowered position, which allows the pusher head to simultaneously retract to the home position, along with the new roller design that eliminates marks on logs.

The new heating system will provide Hydro with equipment that will offer accurate and consistent heating efficiency for all throughput scenarios to the extrusion press. Transport equipment to deliver the billet to the press is also included.


Currently unrated