Posted by: admin 8 years ago
Contact: Ken Mishler
Granco Clark
(616) 794-2600
Granco Clark Supplies UACJ with full heating and extrusion handling systems.
Belding, Michigan – UACJ of Ludington, MI, has selected Granco Clark to supply log processing/heating and extrusion handling systems. The scope of supply includes; log table/pusher, high efficiency log furnace, hot billet saw, FusionBond®, taper quench, high velocity/high impact spray quench, cut on the fly double puller, complete belt/conveyor transfer system, under table cooling, stretcher, auto saw gauge system, off-line precision saw and age oven with powered roll conveyors.
UACJ’s FusionBond® system process eliminates ALL two-piece billets. The taper quench unit provides a uniform billet quench and or a longitudinal taper cooling in billets prior to the extrusion process.
UACJ’s new Precision Saw has exceptionally close tolerances combined with highest levels of productivity, speed, accuracy, safety and ease of use.
UACJ is a repeat customer.
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