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Extrusion Saw Lubrication
Q: How close to the saw blade should the nozzles be for the atomized oil spray? How many pulses per minute are recommended?
- Saw Blade Lube: Use “COOLUBE 2200”, available from:
Parts Department
7298 N. Storey Road
Belding, MI 48809
(616) 794-2600
Pump should be set at 12 cycles per minute, meter should be set at .5 drops per cycle (open maximum clockwise, then back 20 clicks) This setting will give approximately 6 drops per minute.
- Saw Slide: Use Lithium soap base grease No. 2.
- Grease four bearing units monthly.
- Hydraulic Unit: Check oil level weekly and refill if required.
- Pneumatic Lubricator: Check oil level daily and refill if required.
- Roller Drive: See vendor requirements from gear reducers.
- Manually oil chain drives weekly.
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Probe Sharpening
Q: How do I sharpen my probes?